AC165This week on Awesomecast 165, we have a Google Glass-less Chachi (@chachisays) John Chichilla and his pet rock? (@chilla) and back in the Google Glass saddle, Mike Sorg (@sorgatron). On this weeks show:
Chachi talks about his experience with GoogleGlass. Is he still into it?
Chachi explains what he believes Google Glass needs to implement to be a purchase worthy product.
The cast talks about how different products fit different people in different ways.
Chichilla talks about his Pebble. Find out what he likes and dislikes about it.
Need help finding your phone? Pebble is good for that.
The cast compares and contrasts Pebble and Google Glass. Are they ready for prime time?
Is something wrong with Sorg's neck? Nah, he is just playing Glass Frogger!
Siri does not like Google Glass. Hear Siri get sassy.
Technology is getting smarter and smarter. The cast is excited for the future of technology.
The cast talks some about the Google technology landscape. How soon will certain users be phased out?
Will Microsoft Office ever get toppled by another product?
Chichilla does a little show and tell. Android X86!!!
The gang talks about what technology they would recommend to the un-technology savvy and family.
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