AwesomeCast: Tech and Gadget Talk
We found 10 episodes of AwesomeCast: Tech and Gadget Talk with the tag “sorgatron media”.
Canary in the Twitter Coal Mine | AwesomeCast 530
January 27th, 2021 | 57 mins 59 secs
pittsburgh, podcast, social media, sorgatron media, tech news
"Krazy" Ron Krause is BACK with some new gadgets on the way, and Young Christopher joins to talk Roblox Youtube Streaming with John Chichilla, Katie Dudas and Mike Sorg!
Bushel of Dongles | AwesomeCast 529
January 20th, 2021 | 57 mins 36 secs
pittsburgh, podcast, social media, sorgatron media, tech news
We welcome back Amanda Narcisi of Bold Pittsburgh to talk #mypghtakeout and more geekery with John Chichilla, Katie Dudas and Mike Sorg!
Grind City TV | AwesomeCast 528
January 13th, 2021 | 58 mins 15 secs
pittsburgh, podcast, social media, sorgatron media, tech news
We are grindin' with DaButtonPusha of Grind City TV to chat about her independent media channel and more tech news with John Chichilla, Katie Dudas and Mike Sorg!
Normal Creatures | AwesomeCast 527
January 6th, 2021 | 1 hr 8 mins
pittsburgh, podcast, social media, sorgatron media, tech news
We Start the Beat in the New Year as Brian Sikes Howe joins the show to talk about his upcoming Normal Creatures album release and more tech news with Katie Dudas and Mike Sorg!