It's our last episode of the year. We're getting geeky and nostalgic - checking our predictions from last year and talking tech and social media predictions for 2017, with the local nerds that use it on AwesomeCast 329!
- We're LIVE with our year-end Christmas show with Doug Derda and Cynthia Closkey, talking about our awesome things of the year on this week's episode.
- Sling and cordcutting were our awesome things of the year for 2015 as we reflected back last year.
- Meerkat? Wow!
- Cynthia is sharing her awesome thing of the year for 2016 - her smart watch (Apple Watch) and wearables in general.
- Sorg is sharing his woes over the Pebble buyout in comparison to the Apple Watch.
- Doug is pitching a Kickstarter campaign for a Kickstarter movie talking about Kickstarter campaigns.
- Google Glass is still a discussion at the end of 2016.
- Wheelz is sharing his awesome thing of the year - his Samsung phone.
- Doug is sharing Facebook LIVE as his awesome thing of the year and how interesting instacontent is.
- Speaking of bleeding edge tech - we can't help but talk about iJustine and how she was livestreaming a decade ago.
- How do you stand out in a tidal wave of content now that instacontent is so available?
- Are people looking at instacontent for content or for interaction with other people?
- Doug is teaching us about the Musically app through his son's usage.
- Sorg's awesome thing of the year is self-driving cars - especially since he's been in one!
Speaking of self-driving cars, studies show traffic would be better with less traffic lights.
It's 2016 prediction recap time!
-- Doug was WRONG with his prediction about online superstardom.
-- Cynthia is recapping her accurate mom factor prediction about streaming programming.
-- AI advancement prediction by Chilla is ACCURATE! (You can thank Alexa, Sir.)
-- DJ Lunchbox's iPhone7 prediction - ACCURATE! (WTH headphone jacks?)
-- Technology to communicate with pets. Sorry Katie, we're not sure whether Catterbox counts this year.Apple's biggest innovation - a phone that doesn't explode!
Predictions for 2017!
-- Doug predicts Google+ will finally die.
-- Sorg thinks Twitter will not be an independent company by the end of 2017. Will it go to Verizon?
-- Cynthia thinks VR video will not be a thing next year, as in it's not going anywhere, and we won't know why. She doesn't believe it will get past Cardboard and it'll be at least another 3 years before we see any solid movement with VR.
-- Rizz predicts the Nintendo Switch will revolutionize gamingThanks for a great (at least by way of tech) 2016! Make sure to hit us up with what tech Santa brought you!
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Doug Derda (@douglasderda), Cynthia Closkey (@cynthiacloskey) and Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron,
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