AC161This week on Awesomecast 161, our panel includes a late arriving AJ Kuftic (@ajkuftic) John Chichilla (@chilla), and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron).
Sorg ordered a mini surge protector. This leads into talk about Chilla and Sorg using devices while traveling.
Awesomecast comes up with a sweet app idea. Find out what it is.
The cast talks about Chromecast and what it can and cannot do.
Solar panel laptops. Is this the way of most electronic devices in the future? See more here:
Chilla demonstrates a bluetooth stylist. He explains how this is great for work.
Chilla shows off a Bluetooth keyboard. It allows three device connections at once! Only three!?!
Move over generic taser, Armstar is here!
The Frogpad and what it can do is discussed.
AJ's awesome thing of the week is for those young parents. It is Baby Connect. It is a good way for the family to keep track of a young child.
AJ tests out GoogleGlass in studio. Check out his reaction.
AJ e-mails Chilla from GoogleGlass.
If you have something awesome to share, e-mail us at Also, make sure to check us out live at 7 PM on and follow us on Twitter @awesomecast !
Miss a link? Want to see what we didnâ??t get to? Check the Show Notes!
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